Strippers or Elected Leaders

Who do you trust more?

Aaron McClure
3 min readMay 3, 2022
Elected leader, Politicians, Political Leaders, Erotic dancers, strippers, #strippers, #democrats, #republicans, #Politics, #Politicians, #eroticdancers, #electedleaders,
Nice pic by Timur Garifov on Unsplash

I love memes. They are just good fun and entertaining to me, especially Bert and Ernie ones (they tend to be rather dark). Anyhoo, I came across a meme recently that said something like believing in an elected leader is the same as thinking the stripper likes you.

I’ve been pondering that regularly since then. The thought is becoming even more prominent as there are election signs all over the place. I see these countless signs all down the road. In all reality, it’s all just upright litter.

Actually, what I really am seeing is misplaced faith. There is a large portion of the population that actually believes that a better tomorrow will come(for them) when these people win office.

These same individuals who did nothing more than win a popularity contest.

The problems we have (yours, mine, and ours) are not of their immediate concern until it is time to retain their job. Then those elected leaders will emphatically preach the words the people long to hear.

Those who place their faith in others to solve problems on their behalf are destined to be in a constant state of let down.

No one man/woman can do a thing that can bring you solutions that you couldn’t do for yourself quicker and more effectively. This world is chocked full of opportunity. It only takes a little self education and training to learn to recognize it.

Then use that new found knowledge to SOLVE YOUR OWN PROBLEMS.

To put it simply — instead of waiting for a “hero” to come along and improve the conditions of the sea, we all need to learn how to sail our little boats better.

There is a lot of damage that has been done by politicians just to enrich themselves or to satisfy the desires of a small few. Historically, these actions will take forever to undo. So don’t expect any overnight miracle changes.

In the mean time, a massive amount of adaptation is needed — sitting around and waiting for a savior rarely accomplishes anything.

Always remember that with elected leaders and strippers, the smile is fake and will instantly disappear when they don’t get what they want.

As always friends, I welcome an open discussion on any of my articles. If you leave me a message in the comments, I’ll do my best to respond in a timely manner.

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Aaron McClure
Aaron McClure

Written by Aaron McClure

Project Manager, blogger, writer. I write about the struggles of life and how to grow as a unique person. I welcome all open discussions.

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