Small Adjustments to a BetterYou

How small course corrections will help keep you happy

Aaron McClure
3 min readFeb 7, 2023
A better you, a happy you, navigation, incremental improvement, compass
Perfect photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

Have you ever worried that it would be too difficult to become a better you? We’ve all known people who reached a certain age that suddenly started eating rice cakes and were completely miserable.

This usually what happens. They went to the doctor and came back with a list of prescriptions along with an exercise and a new diet plan. Ergo — the fun is over…

They live out the next few weeks in agony — no longer allowed to eat what they want or “enjoy life”. They are shells/hollow shadows of what they once were because of a diagnosis that force fed them the bitter spoonful of reality that they’d been denying. Like a child not eating his veggies.

A better way to a better you

I’m a sailor. I’m also an aviation enthusiast. These two “hobbies” have a similarity — they both require a course to be set in order to reach a destination.

In life, our destinations are all different, however most of us will have to avoid the same dangers — obesity, sedentary lifestyles, stress, etc…



Aaron McClure

Project Manager, blogger, writer. I write about the struggles of life and how to grow as a unique person. I welcome all open discussions.