It’s Always For The Money
What you really serve
Why do you go to work in the morning? The most common answer is money.
We all need it if we want to go about our daily lives with some form of comfort. Even the poorest person living in the worst apartment has the “luxury” of a roof over head and shelter.
Many others are afforded a better situation complete with luxuries that our ancestors could never have imagined. We have climate control, safe and efficient appliances and all the modern conveniences that make life a lot less difficult.
The daily process is simple and commonplace in this modern society. Most people wake up and prep for their day by getting dressed, fed and head out the door to commute to their various vocations. The expected workday is around 8 hours but with the preparation, travel and various other activities involved for maintaining a job, the workday is stretched to around 10 hours.
The big question is why?
What do we do it for? Why are we putting ourselves through the routine on a daily basis? Where is it all going?
The car is nice. The house is good. The electronic devices and entertainment options are plentiful.
Boiling it all down we need to know what do we really work for? Where does our traded time really end up.
As the title profoundly hints at… Money.
Money moves around the world consistently. It never stops. Every day, we go out and trade our time for the stuff. We then take it and finance our own lives. That is all well and good but the truth is that all of our efforts and labors are to the disproportionate benefit of money.
All of the items we buy are from someone else. Just as you do, that someone else has their own life to finance. That process continues all the way up the chain until it stops at an investor.
Lets do a little example: You go and buy a table from a store. The store has purchased that from a supplier. The supplier has purchased it from a manufacturer.
The manufacturer has purchased the raw material from a variety of suppliers. Those suppliers have purchased their materials from a variety of sources like a wood mill, hardware supplier, paint supplier, etc…
All of those businesses are carrying loans. Almost all business in the world operate on some form of credit. They all borrow money and repay with interest. The reality is that you couldn’t have the lifestyle you do unless there was this long chain of borrow and repayment.
At every step of the way in this modern society, there is a loan being repaid with some form of interest. Some people never considered how much of their money has been swept away to the service of a loan.
Everybody who spends anything pays interest on some loan somewhere. Even if you are renting a place to live, you are more than likely indirectly paying a mortgage for your landlord.
All materials and goods can easily route their way back to some investor(s). They put out a few hundred thousand and let the interest roll in so that the modern world can continue to operate.
The bigger picture
There is nothing wrong with the ebb and flow of loans and repayments. Loans are a modern day leap of faith taken by investors. They help continue the spirit of community that humans need.
It is basic trade. Investors/lenders need people to borrow then work and pay interest. Borrowers need capital to push forward with their life/business goals. The trade is fair, both the investor and the borrower get what they need.
The darker other side of this coin is that investor’s demands have been undercutting our lives at the same time. There have been more than a few times where a friend has had to make changes at work due to the “stockholders” demands for higher earnings.
Those who own shares certainly have rights because it is their money on the line. However, it is when those demands for higher growth interfere with the principles of the business where things get a little crunchy.
It is almost a certainty that a product or service has lost quality at some stage due to the demands of those who control the money. The stockholders only want one thing, perpetual growth. That curve on a graph has to continue one direction at any cost. The looming threat of pulling the money out of the business will always force those in management to do what is necessary.
The unfortunate truth is that the “cuts” tend to be taken out on the lower ranks. We’ve all experienced it in some form; pay freezes, lower quality healthcare, equipment that needs replaced continues to get another patch job, etc…
In summary
These writings are not meant to start a protest or to discourage people from paying their bills or to fight back against workplace conditions. They are simply an illumination of the higher power that is above the clouds and a revelation of who is actually puppeteering the strings of the economy.
I offer no solutions or advice. I only present a form of understanding of one aspect of our daily life. This all just a reminder that we all work for money.
I always welcome an open discussion on any of my articles. If you leave me a message in the comments, I’ll do my best to respond in a timely manner.
Thank you for taking the time to read.