Why You Should Escape a Bad Marriage
Before you kill your spouse
Let’s start off with the all too important part, we’re not talking about actual murder. No, this is about how a bad marriage can kill off the individual spirit that makes a person who they are and why there is a need to escape.
Everyone has that “thing” that makes them who they are. It is this special “something” that separates them from the rest.
Too often, people enter into relationships where they sort of work. Then they have to work hard to make things bearable, (this is one of the main ingredients for baking a bad marriage).
Right now, I’m sure you can think of a couple who just lives in nothing but toleration of each other. He used to be so X, she used to go and do X. Now they both sit around in a heated race to the grave just to be rid of the other.
“What happened to them, they used to be so happy?”
The easiest answer is that they both grew apart and as they did, they began to resent it and all too often, complained. This in-turn created friction.
Then, as each one wanted to do something that made them happy, the other would bash it down as a means of maintaining the balance of misery.
How unfair is that?
To drag a person from their happiness simply because you can’t understand what it is they see in that activity or worse, to declare that they don’t deserve to be happy because you’re not.
I wish this was not as common as it is, but the reality is that even knowing one relationship like this is too many. What you are witnessing is a murder, drawn out over time (unfortunately, it’s also the legal way to do it). Where a person’s spirit is being slowly extinguished.
That is almost worse than killing in cold blood. It is wrong to rob a person of their ambitions, dreams, and potential.
The worst thing a person could ever utter is how “someone used to be so happy” or “they don’t really do much anymore”.
We all have a thing we are meant to do — that our spirit pleads for us to be working at. Sadly, sometimes we are forced away from it.
Then we become nothing more than a shell of what we used to be — haunted by the echoes of what we could have been. So many do not try to escape bad marriages. Instead they take this dark path where each one tries to extinguish the other. For both of your sakes, let your spouse live. Let their inner light glow and it will help yours to do the same.
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